Leadership Team
Tim Kelly
Lead Clinical Site Director
Tim Kelly MSW RSW has worked with abusive men since 1986 and is Executive Director of Changing Ways, a social service agency for men who abuse women in Ontario.
Tim has spoken both nationally and internationally on issues related to violence against women and children and community collaborations. Much of his efforts have included engaging men to end violence against women and children. He has collaborated with women’s advocates and child protection leaders to develop programs and processes to engage and hold men who perpetrate gender based violence responsible for their actions and systems accountable for change.
Katreena Scott
PhD, Lead Program Developer
Dr. Katreena Scott is an Associate Professor in the Department of Applied Psychology and Human Development at the University of Toronto and the Canada Research Chair in Family Violence Prevention and Intervention.
Dr. Scott is recognized internationally for her intervention work with abusive fathers and nationally for her research on effective interventions for intimate partner violence. She has authored over 40 articles and book chapters on the development of violent relationships, the efficacy of service to male batterers, the effect of abuse and trauma on children, and on empirically and ethically sound policies for working with abuse perpetrators.
Operational Team
Sarah Webb
Community Manager
Sarah Webb MSW RSW currently works with Caring Dads as the Community Manager as well as the Trainer for North America. Previously, Sarah worked 15 years in the Child Welfare system as a Child Protection Worker. While working in child welfare Sarah worked on a specialized Domestic Violence Team conducting child protection investigations and worked closely with the Violence Against Women sector.
Sarah also provides private counselling to fathers who have been involved with the criminal system and child welfare system. Sarah’s private work follows the principles and goals of the Caring Dads program.
Rick Mulvaney
Business Management
Rick’s involvement in the not-for-profit sector spans 18 years, at both operational and governance levels, providing business management expertise that ensures accountability, sustainability and clarity to funders & community.
Rick’s strong passion for ensuring sustainability of community-based social services that support marginalized or underserved people, drives his need to fully understand not just the numbers, but the program model, required inputs and desired outcomes; thereby, allowing him to provide a more fulsome approach to his strategies, systems and practices that support the mission of an organization.
Training Faculty
Dermot Brady
Accredited Trainer - UK & Europe
Dermot Brady qualified as a social worker in 1994. He is a Senior Lecturer in Social Work at Kingston and St. George’s University of London, specialising in post-graduate social work education. Dermot is a Practice Educator and Assessor and has managed placements in a range of settings. He has worked as a frontline practitioner and manager and has a particular interest in working with men, fathering and domestic abuse. Prior to joining Kingston he was part of a team that developed a Community Interest Company, RISE, which successfully spun out of the London Community Rehabilitation Company. Current work involved research on a pilot to help young people exit gangs and a programme developing practice guidance, training and teaching around honour based violence, forced marriage, FGM and harmful traditional practices.
Elaine Gaskell-Mew
Accredited Trainer - UK
Elaine is a qualified social worker and lecturer in higher education. She worked for 25 years in the probation service in London (England) specialising in group work with perpetrators of domestic abuse. She lectured in Social Work at Kingston University for 8 years before returning recently to front-line practice. Elaine is currently manager of the Outreach Team at St Michaels Fellowship, a long-established charity working with young parents in South East London. From there she is also running Caring Dads groups for men of all ages and training and supporting new Caring Dads facilitators in other London boroughs.
Linda Stevenson
Accredited Trainer - UK
Linda is a Training Officer for Caring Dads in Leeds, UK. Linda has worked in the domestic abuse field for over 18 years mostly in the Domestic Violence Team of Leeds City Council – a large local authority in the north of England. Linda's role has predominantly been developing and delivering training for practitioners and training trainers. Prior to this, Linda has worked for many years in different Voluntary Sector organizations working in frontline responses to homelessness, disability information and community responses to substance use. In domestic abuse work the focus has for a long time been on supporting women and children but in recent years noticing the need to look much more at how to can work with those causing the harm. Caring Dads started in Leeds in 2013 and has been involved from the start in delivering groups and then training facilitators. Linda feels very passionate about this work both in terms of not putting all our focus on mothers to protect children, and in fathers having the opportunity to have support to make changes.
Matthew Tattersley
Accredited Trainer - UK
Matt is employed by Leeds City Council, a local authority in the north of England. In his day to day role he manages a service that provides interventions to address domestic abuse within families. This includes delivering the Caring Dads Programme to communities in Leeds. Matt first began facilitating Caring Dads in 2014 when a series of pilot programmes were rolled out throughout the city. Since then he has been involved in the delivery and supervision of numerous programs. Before this Matt worked with children and families as part of service that provided support to vulnerable families living in Leeds. As a Leeds employee for the last 13 years, Matt is pleased to say he feels he has seen a shift in how fathers are viewed and assessed within a Social Work context. Despite this, Matt points out there is still much to be done to provide a more holistic approach and he is excited to be part of this.
Damian Green
Accredited Trainer - Australia
Damian Green is an experienced facilitator, trainer and supervisor in the areas of violent offending, working with men and fathering, and policy and research. Damian is currently CEO of Stopping Family Violence (SFV), a national Peak Body for perpetrator response, and through this role is committed to ending violence against women and children through increased perpetrator accountability and intervention. Damian is also the Chairperson at Starick, an organisation that provides support services to women and children affected by FDV, a White Ribbon Ambassador and state committee member, and a member of the National Fatherhood Project Expert Reference Group.
Monique Yeoman
Accredited Trainer - Australia
Social Work trained, Monique spent 10 years working in the Child Protection field in both New Zealand and Victoria, Australia, working with families and community partners towards the safeguarding of vulnerable children prior to moving into the community services sector in 2015. There, she initially worked in and contributed to the implementation of a large scale state funded trial delivering client services in a multidisciplinary, client led framework.
Currently Monique is the state wide coordinator for the state funded Caring Dads trial in Victoria, Australia and is employed by Kids First Australia. Kids First is a non-government organisation working with children and families across a range of services from the primary prevention, through to the tertiary intervention space.
Alongside supporting the operational and clinical implementation of the Caring Dads program across the three Victorian sites, Monique maintains her clinical practice via ongoing facilitation of the Caring Dads program curriculum.
Fiona Edwards
Accredited Trainer - Australia
Fiona is a Social Worker with additional training in psychology and family therapy. She has 14 years’ experience in supporting vulnerable children and their families, having held leadership positions within both Child Protection and community sector. In 2015 Fiona joined Kids First, a non-government organisation committed to providing supportive interventions for children and families with wide ranging needs.
In 2016 Fiona participated in the implementation of the Victorian trial of the Caring Dads program led by Kids First, co-facilitating the Australian pilot of the program and subsequent groups with clinical support of the program’s creators Katreena Scott and Tim Kelly while working to embed the program within the service landscape in North East Melbourne.
Fiona is currently Team Leader for Caring Dads in North East Melbourne, providing operational and clinical support to program staff delivering groupwork to fathers and women’s contact, as well as regularly facilitating groups.