Virtual Delivery Supports
This section contains resources to assist with supporting dads in a virtual delivery format:
Download PDF: Caring Dads & the COVID-19 Pandemic
Download PDF: Caring Dads - What to Listen For
KIDS FIRST AU.Caring Dads Individual Engagement Strategy COVID19
Download: LEEDS UK Things To do With Your Children During Lockdown
Download: LEEDS UK_Staying connected with children without having contact
Download PDF: Goal 1 Presentation-Caring Dads Video Group Adaptation
Download PDF: Goal 2 Presentation-Caring Dads Video Group Adaptation
Download PDF: Goal 3 & 4 Presentation- Caring Dads Video Group Adaptation
Download PDF: Virtual Caring Dads Group- Adaptation in the Works!
Upcoming Zoom Facilitator Check-In Meetings:
Videos you can use with Dads during C19: VIDEO CLIPS FOR DADS
The Leeds City Council, UK Caring Dads Trainers created some short video clips you can share with the fathers you are working with.
External Resources:
Better Man - Australian resources for men:
eMentalHealth - available across Canada, Free Mental Health Resources during C19:
Guidelines for Working with Perpetrators of Domestic Violence created by the European Network: European Network for the Work with Perpetrators of Domestic Violence
Safe and Together Institute website, they have a special C19 page with excellent resources such as this: Quick Guide (PDF)
Global Rights for Women website offering free C19 webinars:
Futures without Violence document for survivors, communities and programs during C19:
National Network to End Domestic Violence C19 support:
Kids Help Phone “Crisis Text Line” available across Canada:
The Family Court of Australia regarding Parenting Orders and COVID19: The Family Court of Australia & COVID 19
Australia No to Violence and Caring Dads Australian Trainers hosting weekly drop-in meetings for MBC facilitators and Caring Dads facilitators to talk about this work during COVID19. To join these drop-in meetings please email them and ask to be added to their mailing list.
National Domestic Violence Hotline fields calls from abusive partners and advocates are trained to speak with perpetrators and offer non-judgmental referrals and tools for accountability and de-escalation. Their 24/7 hotline is 800-799-7233.
More dates and times coming soon!
Next up will be to hear about how delivery of virtual groups for dads are going. An email blast will go out with date and meeting link.
Past Facilitator Check-in Webinars:
March 15, 2021: Recording of Caring Dads Facilitator Check-In Meeting: discussions about virtual Caring Dads groups. The meeting is lead my Caring Dads Facilitator/Trainer, Nick Green along with Katreena Scott.
August 18, 2020: Katreena Scott talks about how to run Caring Dads groups virtually - final two goals.
July 20, 2020: Katreena Scott and Tim Kelly continue to talk about how to run Caring Dads groups virtually. This session focuses on Goal #2 of the program.
July 8, 2020: Facilitator Check-In Meeting, Tim Kelly and Katreena Scott start to talk about how to do Caring Dads groups online with fathers.
April 30, 2020: This meeting focused on UK Trainers and featured Matt Tattersley, Linda Stevenson, Nick Green (Toronto Children's Aid Society) and Dr. Katreena Scott.
April 28, 2020 - Meeting with Australian Trainers, Monique Yeoman, Fiona Edwards, and Damian Green
April 21, 2020 - This meeting featured Caring Dads Lead Clinical Site Director, Tim Kelly